Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hickory Chair Day #2- This chair is like a handkercheif

Upholstery Plant tour here we come!

The patterns used for the wood pieces that make up the upholstery.

Our favorite employee of the tour: He is in charge of new "UHPOLESTEERY" pieces.

"This chair is like a handkercheif; it is made for showing not blowing"

He can take an engerinerred drawing (see below) and create it! This craft is amazing!

The finishing booths- we love Hickory Chair because of the numerous finishes they can do.

The sofa's waiting in line to be 8-way hand tied.

Two men per sofa to accomplish the 8-way hand tie. I can see me trying to do this I would have a mess!!!

The completed result! This is why it is so comfty and will hold up. Many companies claim to have this feature, but they do not!

Laying out complex fabric patterns before they are cut.

The fabrics waiting to be applied! Looks overwhelming to me!

The seamstresses making the cushion covers; arm covers; skirts; pillows etc.....

One of the very talented upholsters.

"Tufting"- it looks funny from the inside.

Check back tomorrow for more pictures! We have lots more to show!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hickory Chair University- DAY 1


Our lovely glasses and headphones! Don't we look stylish!

The CEO of Hickory Chair starting the tour; notice all of the wood pieces in the background this is how all the beautiful furniture begins!

The wood being cut and sanded, and sanded and sanded and sanded........

At one workers workstation the goals for the week!

Pieces that are already complete; they keep a specific number of items ready to go; once we order we specify the finish and it comes from this "holding" area unless it is a custom size.

They also do more than finishes, My personal favorite piece from my favorite designer Susan Kasler.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the upholstery plant photos! We learned so much that we can pass on to you our client.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Our Host for BHI

A few pics from our wonderful hostess to Bald Head Island, man I wish we were headed back down right now......paradise!!!! Thanks "Aunt Jane"!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Team building at its best on our trip to Bald Head Island!!! Standup Paddle Boarding the new rage~! We loved SUP' IN on our trip!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Our sweet little friend offered her design expertise on our hair-do's the other afternoon, while we were helping her mom with a few other design treats.

Remember, your accessories can really crank up the "fancy".

disclaimer: no hair lengths were harmed by the green handled scissors, only the bubble wrap from the artwork install.